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Top 5 Benefits of RN to MSN Online Programs

 |  3 Min Read

Completing an RN to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) or RN to Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program is a solid step toward career advancement. An online RN to BSN to MSN program allows you to earn two degrees through a single program of study and requires only an extra year.i This is a faster way to earn a graduate degree regardless of where you live or what nursing shifts you work. Additionally, you can choose from five specializations at the MSN level: Clinical Nurse Leader, Family Nurse Practitioner, Nursing Education, Nursing Management & Executive Leadership and Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner.

Here are five top reasons to consider an online degree program, even if a traditional classroom experience is an option for you.

  1. Broad Perspectives: Because online nursing faculty and students are drawn from throughout the U.S. and sometimes the world, RN to MSN students in online classes are exposed to situations and viewpoints they may not encounter in their local communities. That can mean exchanging perspectives with nurses accustomed to frenetic urban teaching hospitals and inner-city emergency rooms as well as technology-poor facilities in small, underserved communities. These diverse experiences facilitate broader discussions that contribute to deeper understanding of today’s complex nursing issues.ii
  2. Flexibility: Because online classes tend to be self-paced with only occasional campus visits or online meetings, students in an online RN to MSN program can do their classwork on their own schedules. You can choose the best time for class—evenings after work, early mornings or a more-conventional hour. Likewise, classes are available anywhere you have Internet connectivity, whether that means the hospital cafeteria, your evening train commute or your own home. Sacred Heart University allows students to take up to six years to complete their online RN to MSN degrees.
  3. Cost: Online degree programs can be less expensive than their brick-and-mortar counterparts.iii Because online degree programs teach large numbers of students simultaneously without the need for classroom space, tuition tends to be relatively inexpensive. Students in online RN to MSN programs can save further by remaining in their own communities, thus eliminating travel expenses. The greatest savings, however, may be in the ability to continue to work while advancing your education.
  4. Technology: Rather than struggle to keep up with a lecturer’s chalk talk, you can easily access online material and review it as much as you need to. If there’s something you don’t understand, you can go back and reread the material or rewatch a lecture. If you have questions, you can still ask the instructor. This way, you can ensure you understand details that you otherwise may have missed. This format provides ready access to ancillary material and easy ways to contact instructors without trying to fit your schedule into limited office hours.You’re not on your own in online education. Many courses simulate the collaborative nature of classrooms by using discussion boards to allow students to share their thoughts, engage with others and ask questions about specific topics.iv Students also may be expected to develop podcasts, slide shows or other online presentations that expand their communication skills.
  5. Independence: The enormous flexibility of online RN to MSN classes means students must be disciplined and self-motivated—the same qualities future employers seek in job candidates. Completing a rigorous online MSN program shows a drive and dedication that immediately sets you apart from the competition.

Online education makes obtaining an RN-BSN-MSN degree from a well-respected university very convenient for nurses, regardless of location or schedules. Contact Sacred Heart University to learn more about its online RN-BSN-MSN program or call (877) 791-7181.






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