What Type of Nurse Am I? [Infographic]
| 1 Min Read
A nursing career is not only challenging and rewarding, it can be multifaceted. Periodically checking in on your academic and professional achievements, is one way to ensure your nursing career is on track. Staying on track can lead to a professional rewarding and satisfying nursing career.
As you can see in the infographic below, there are many career choices and levels of entry into the nursing profession including; Certified Nursing Assistant, Licensed Practice Nurse, Registered Nurse, Clinical Nurse Leader, Advanced Practice Registered Nurse and more. Each position offers its own rewards and each has its own unique requirements, responsibilities,and areas of specialization.
Whether you are a student embarking on your career or a practicing nurse already immersed in healthcare, it’s never too late to ask “What type of nurse am I?” The answer may inspire you to take a next step: apply for new title, complete a nursing certification requirement or return to school to learn new skills and increase your knowledge.
Sacred Heart University can help. If you’re at a crossroad in your nursing career and are interested in exploring new options, feel free to reach out to us. With a current nursing shortage, opportunities are endless with advanced knowledge. . For more information on advancing your nursing career via additional licensure or education, take a look at Sacred Heart University’s suite of nursing degrees online.